Run Management
Your search for worry-free RPA and automation maintenance ends here.
Managed Services
Run Management ensures that your automated and business critical processes can run smoothly, 24-7. More importantly, Run Management can handle incidents caused externally due to system or network errors and updates. This service ensures maximised uptime of Blue Prism and UiPath automated processes.

Quality assurance
Run Management improves the overall quality of automation, as processes must pass a validation review. Only audited processes are accepted to production.
Digital Workforce Run Management is available for our Robot as a Service and on-premise customers and for organisations who have built their RPA environment in-house or with another service provider.
No hidden cost
Run Management is available at different service levels, depending on your need for support , and by the hour. The total cost is fully transparent. There are no hidden costs – only a basic fee and process-specific charges. This process-specific fee will vary.

RPA maintenance Service ensure business continuity of critical processes
What if a GL/AP/Payroll process for a 50k FTE organization did not run when it should?
Value in EUR
Why Run Management?
The service covers the following areas:

Resolution Processes
such as incident and problem management. Run Management follows ISO 20000 processes and structure.

Standard Changes
including element level changes to target applications

Quality Acceptance
for newly automated processes regardless of the developing body

Management and Scheduling
of the automated processes based on process SLAs.