Digital Workforce presents: The Business of AI- webinar series

We are facing the most exciting revolution of our time: Intelligent technologies are fast advancing and disrupting the status quo in all areas of life. The way we work and do business is fundamentally changing. We must learn to swim in the new waters. What should you know right now, and what does the future entail? Digital Workforce’s new initiative, The Business of AI- webinar series connects business managers with the experts and visionaries of AI. Tune in to tap into the knowledge you need now!
Digital Workforce recently launched a new initiative to cater to the needs of today’s business managers seeking AI-knowledge. The Business of AI- series hosts a monthly webinar discussion, each time with a different AI-expert providing new perspective to the topic. All the webinars are collected to one knowledge -base found on
The opening session of the series will be held with the best-selling AI-author Antti Merilehto April 11th, 10.00 EEST.
Key takeaways from the webinar will include:
How is AI changing the way we do business and how fast is the change?
What are the opportunities of AI?
What are the new requirements for business management and strategy?
How quickly and how should business management react?
Registration is now open – sign up free here!
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