UiPath Automation Summit Copenhagen 2023
Digital Workforce is excited to announce our participation in the upcoming UiPath Automation Summit in Copenhagen on May 25th, 2023. It’s all about customer stories and in-depth discussions with colleagues, experts, and automation enthusiasts.
As one of the main sponsors of Denmark’s largest automation event, we look forward to connecting with industry professionals and experts under one roof in downtown Copenhagen, Scandic Falkoner Copenhagen.
During the event, visit us at our stand to learn more about Digital Workforce and our automation solutions.
You can find our fantastic DWF Team Denmark at stand number 10!
The event will feature presentations in Danish and English, with translated subtitles provided for all sessions.
Register here for the event!
8:30 Registration and coffee
9:00 Welcome
Maria Tennare, AVP Enterprise Sales, UiPath
Carsten Lentz, Director Sales Engineering, Nordics & Benelux
9:10 Keynote
Chris Forrest, AVP Strategic Engagement, UiPath
Eugene Wyniawskyj, Consulting Senior Director, UiPath
9:50 Københavns Kommune and Carve
Rasmus Lund Stisager, Development and Technology Manager, Copenhagen Municipality
10:10 Break for coffee and exhibition
10:40 Coop
Anders Dvinge, Head of integration & RPA, Coop
Nicolai Hjorting Krüger, RPA Arkitekt, Coop
11:00 Tryg
Benjamin Alex, Business Efficiency and Transformation Lead, Tryg
Oliver Asbæk, Interim RPA lead, Tryg
11:20 MAN
Damian Solecki, Product Owner, MAN Energy Solutions
11:40 Nic. Christiansen Group
Steffen Juhl Christensen, RPA Development Specialist, Nic. Christiansen Group
12:00 Break for lunch and exhibition
13:00 Sydbank
Mikkel Kristiansen, Head of Transformation Office, Sydbank
13:20 Novo Nordisk
Jesper Bo Bjørn, Product Manager, Automation & Immersive Technologies, Novo Nordisk
13:40 Region Midtjylland
Michael Nielsen, Senior Resident Doctor, Skejby
14:00 Panel Discussion: Sydbank & Københavns Kommune
Mikkel Kristiansen, Head of Transformation Office, Sydbank
Rasmus Lund Stisager, Development and Technology Manager, Copenhagen Municipality
Carsten Lentz, Director Sales Engineering, Nordics & Benelux, UiPath
Kasper Lynge Jacobsen, Senior Director, Head of Data, Falck
14:30 Break for coffee and exhibition
15:00 Apoteksverkið
Richard Schwartson, CIO at National Pharmacy Service, Apoteksverkið
15:20 Falck
Kasper Lynge Jacobsen, Senior Director, Head of Data, Falck
15:40 The future of intelligent automation
Jakob Okkels, Senior Sales Engineer, UiPath
16:10 Wrap-up and conclusions
16:20 Networking in the exhibition
The event is free of charge.
See you at the UiPath Automation Summit!
#DigitalWorkforce #UiPathAutomationSummit